The title says everything, this summer I'll try to create a homemade frysk! bot on Python !
I don't know if I'll manage to do it with my tiny math and informatic nowledge, but it's worth trying (: So far, he can only draw the board and the basic position...
A good bot must have a good position analysis, and that's why I would like to expose you how I intend to build my bot:
- Each checker is worth 1.0 point, each king 2.0 points.
- Each checker/king gets 0.1 extra points for every "safe" move, meaning every move where the piece can't be taken (that's why a king doesn't worth 3.0, because it has a lot of possible moves).
- Each checker gets 0.1 extra points for each crossed lign. That parameter will only matter when checkers are captured, since checkers can usually only go forward at the same speed.
- Each passed checker (meaning a checker able to promote without being captured or deviated) wins 0.5 points.
- Each almost-passed checker (a passed checker wich can be deviated) wins 0.3 points.
Python will analyse every position an calculate the diference between black's and white's points. Then, he will choose the best position depending of on what side he plays.
Do you think the points balance is OK or should I change it ? Any advice would be welcome :)
Creating a frysk! bot
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