Is Scan bot worth practicing for beginner?

No, it isn't.
The reality is that starting from lvl 4 you can get advantageous positions, which can be drawn by the weakest side, if played properly. However, Scan has bad reputation for being escaper in endgames, starting from that level, while your real life opponents at same or similar ELO can easily make a mistake.
Is there better option than Scan?
Yes, there is. Checkersland (see site and Android application) has more credible range of levels.

Scan bot is hard which is ok to me. I think it's good if you get some experience under your belt.

I w4nna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member and supports osama bin laden. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. i also suspect that u r @ hāmas member who killed a fucking n*z!. u be7Ter shut up or else i will kill YOU kkk idiot. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member and supports osama bin laden. I VVanna suck Your DiCkkkk man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. i also suspect that u r @ hārnas member who killed a fucking n*z!. u better shut up or else i will kill YOU kkk idiot.
