Leaderboards - Player of the Month AND Champions League Qualif (as of Sept 8)

Player of the Month Ranking (See OVERALL ranking below)
1 fred (4 WINs)
2 Force (1 WIN and 1 Second Place)
3 AllanDamasBR (1 WIN)
4 Deriglazov-15 (1 WIN)
5 guztoso-Gmi-palo (1 WIN)
6 Bukasa
7 kartman
8 bobmarley
9 BecauseImBatman
10 ckosa

Champions League Qualif (Top 40 in OVERALL ranking will qualify):
OVERALL Ranking - Current Month Ranking - Nickname

1 1 fred (Qualified)
2 8 bobmarley (Qualified)
3 2 Force (Qualified)
4 7 kartman (Qualified)
5 129 immutable (Qualified)

6 129 Alexios (Needs 1 more WIN)
7 18 jackieblackie (Needs 1 more WIN)
8 129 graviton (Needs 1 more WIN)

9 15 p135 (Needs 2 more WIN)
10 32 Matheo (Needs 2 more WIN)
11 3 AllanDamasBR (Needs 2 more WIN)
12 129 sanogo07 (Needs 2 more WIN)
13 5 guztoso-Gmi-palo (Needs 2 more WIN)
14 4 Deriglazov-15 (Needs 2 more WIN)

15 12 dtmylens
16 6 Bukasa
17 16 intuitive-player
18 129 stepashchetkin
19 9 BecauseImBatman
20 42 Dammen4U
21 10 ckosa
21 129 moussacoul
23 11 Veyron
24 38 simpaticheski
25 13 Prevoyant
26 14 XYZ
27 50 dudi88
27 129 mael2020
29 17 TeamOlimp
30 19 koffiekan
31 24 boygolf
32 129 wef17
33 73 Tida
34 20 legende13
34 129 elisaul03
34 129 fk93
37 39 Talien-LOUIS
38 129 Gforce
39 129 ijzendoorn
40 28 staku8b

--------CUT-OFF LINE--------

41 129 opsidian
42 21 maziku
43 129 ramonwh88
45 58 farahon
46 129 Rylan
47 22 fanofdraughts
48 23 Niyaas
49 129 lyotchix
50 27 m_a_r_f_a
51 50 Aristo
52 28 Tonytablero
53 57 kutunia
54 40 EmmoJose_01
55 40 MCB58
56 25 lucalorusso
56 129 franckylexar
56 129 AICHATA
56 129 dasistfraai
56 129 HappyHoppers

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