Come on Lidraughts give us some English Draughts
English American Draughts/Checkers
I would at least like a draughts with flying kings that doesn't have backwards capture for the men, like the Czech or Spanish variants.
Honestly having Checkers (and Turkish) here, would likely be fantastic for traffic. These are two of the world's most popular variants with checkers being played as the primary variant in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Ireland, as well as various carribean islands.
The American Checkers Federation is also looking for a site that can use as the semi-official place for serious online checkers competition. Lidraughts would be the best choice by far if it had checkers.
This sounds amazing but ACF need to get in touch with lidraughts, or visa versa and could be very good for the site.
Otherwise the likes of play ok or it’s your turn or golden token sites could get in there first
@Twoblackcheckers @RM13132717 @T0afer @wildboy @barkbagarn @kalnap @franotero
I've tagged you all as you have asked about American Checkers / English Draughts in the last year of this forum. has today launched this variant on their platform. See:
PlayStrategy has all of the draughts variants that Lidraughts has as well as Pool, and Spanish (Portuguese). PlayStrategy is, like Lidraughts, a Lichess fork, and so has a familiar interface. Lidraughts does have more features to support draughts play, but PlayStrategy is not exclusively a Draughts platform and offers other abstract games including Othello, Lines of Action, and Mancala, as well as a load of Chess.
Thanks for that, signed up now.
Brilliant just joined
Looks like a good site, wonder if they plan an app in the future
I would also like to see Checkers on this site. It has by far the best interface.
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