Anti-Draughts: we ask for your help

Really great ideas allready!

Let's sum up the ideas for now:
- An empty square
- A backwards 'D'
- A piece cut in half (how to cut it in half?)
- A cake (what kind of cake?)
- A reversed crown on a King
- A piece in the shape of Pacman
- A shattered glass king or piece

More ideas are still welcome offcourse! Great thanks to everyone helping so far!

For those who think the symbol of Frisian draughts is a heart: False! It's a 'Pompeblêd'.

Please explain the Firsian icon. It looks like a badly drawn chocolate cake of which one piece has been eaten.
To answer post #11 question, take a beautiful chocolate and vanilla cake, and put it upside down if you want. Chocolate is black, vanilla is white. The idea is to eat the cake. Also draughts positions look like randomly eaten birthday cake at a party with lots of little kids.
I am curious how the kings are going to look like. You cannot use chess pieces because it's not chess.
I would prefer all draughts icons can be drawn using various chocolate and vanilla cakes, have many layers, and with some cherries and candles on the top. I think it would be better than chess pieces and empty squares.

@Hangrad: haha

A Pompeblêd is:
It's the symbol of the Frisian district in Holland.

A King is the right name for a double man. I admit the word 'man' or 'stone' is more precise than 'piece'. Unfortunately, internationally there is no clear collective jargon in draughts (the translations to other languages, etc). Some draughts historians think this is partly the reason why so many draughtsvariants exist. The most clear example offcourse is that people constantly use the word checkers for draughts and vice versa (even in this time of age...), it gets mixed up everywhere. It's not even wrong somehow. This variant is nowadays officially called International Draughts.

Here, I won't go too much into the historical and cultural heritage and so on. We want to integrate these (in our view very valuable) facts or views in the website later on and somewhere where Anti-draughts is not the main subject. :D

It could be also a piece crossed out by an oblique line. In this way that could seem also the mathematical symbol of the empty set, in other words, zero: you have zero pieces you gain the game :D

emmetcito your idea is good. I made some images and also of your idea. soon you will see... :P

I see my opponent's draughts as small sweet cookies. The goal of the game is to finish eating opponents' cookies before they finish eating yours. Then the game ends and I can eat my cookies too.
@emmettcito please explain how half eaten cookies fit into this.
Anti draughts is when I and my opponents have bad tasting cookies, I don't want to eat any of them. Both I and my opponent try to get rid of the bad tasting cookies that we both have by trying to force feed them to the other player.
