Urgent need for language filtering

I think there is an urgent need for bad words filtering. I recently invited a player to a tournament, and the replay contained a bunch of very bad words. How to report it? And how to block future similar text from that kind of players?


I'm glad to say we already filter for bad words like these, and also that a long time ago action was taken against this individual already. The only reason he or she was still able to harass you, is because it was in reply to a personal message that you initiated yourself.

I had to remove your last two posts by the way, no public shaming please! You can use the report button on their profile page to report them to the moderators, and appropriate action will be taken.

Any chance this community can expect this platform to block messages that contain harmful words in a private message (even when the other user initiating the conversation to invite kindly to participate in a tournament for lack of users)?

So other members of this community can understand the gravity of the issue, the message I am referring to is litterally "go fuck off, bastard, talk alot of shit" as a reply to a kind private message inviting a contact to a tournament.

This player was able to use not less than 3 very bad and harmful world in a message. It there a way to block is or doest lidraught allow us to use any kind of language (racist, harmful) as long as it is in a private conversation "initiated" respectfully by user in an effort to bring more user to a tournament?

That already happens, and would've happened here too, had previous action had not been taken already. If anything over the edge still slips through the net, we trust people will use the report button.

Of course no harmful or insulting language of any kind is tolerated. To clarify, in this case you can't block who is blocked already. Even though they can still reply when you message them first, people like this are a very small minority, so you'll quickly know who to avoid

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