Write a message for all users who have mentionned there are french

Hi i want to organize a team battle for FFJD on Lidraughts.

I wish i could suggest all Lidraughts users who live in France they can - if they want - create a team or ask to join a team.
I ask myself if it is possible to select all users who have the french flag and send them a message ?

To be totally frank a condition to participate is to have a licence on FFJD but there are 1€ licences so maybe it would interess some people.

No, that is not possible. You can only send bulk messages when you have a team already, using the 'Message all members' button. Maybe you can get the word out by e-mail (FFJD mailing list?), or using this forum?

No, that doesn't send a message, it leaves a note on that user's profile.

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