Orthogonal Draughts

I know this might not be something that can be implemented quickly, but are there any plans on adding Turkish Draughts and Dameo?

These are two very good variants and playing them here would be amazing.

frisian draughts has orthogonal captures already, you could give it a try :)

Yeah Frisian is wonderful don't get me wrong. I'm terrible at it, but Frisian and Frysk are great fun.

Turkish and its variants are just some of my favorites and it would exciting to see them here as well.

I vote for variant Dameo too :-)

No, we have no plans for it. We have a lot of other priorities, so this subject won't be on our agenda any time soon. It's neither a yes nor a no. So we have to disappoint you for now.

Let me inform you that there is a free-to-play abstract game platform where multiple draughts variants are implemented: , registration is free. You can play orthogonal draughts (Turkish, Greek, Armenian) therein!

Thank you Kalnap! This is great. They even have Alquerque.

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