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22 posts found
General Draughts Discussion - danas españolas#1

Con benéplacito vemos que la pagina web de la FMJD esta anunciando un Campeonato Mundial de Damas Españolas. Es hora que esta modalidad se le incorpore a lidraughts. Los numerosos seguidores que tien…

Lidraughts Feedback - Scan is 10x slower in Web Browser compare to the app#2

[Quote] There isn't a better analyzing tool for 10x10 Draughts that I have heard of [..] [/Quote] Kingsrow International, see

Lidraughts Feedback - Scan is 10x slower in Web Browser compare to the app#1

Scan only use 1 Thread in the Web Browser, and above that it seems to be even slower per thread making a difference as big as 10x!!! The app say that can use a max of 4 core on my Galaxy S8 which have…

General Draughts Discussion - Where can i learn draughts#3

Pour les francophones, on peut recommender aussi .

Openings - Brazilian openings#3

Some opening theory is explored in Kaplan's books ( see links )

General Draughts Discussion - web resources for international 8X8 draughts/brazilian draughts#10

Thank you for your reply. I'll also look into reading Kaplan and working with Aurora for 8x8 analysis.

General Draughts Discussion - web resources for international 8X8 draughts/brazilian draughts#9

Despite lower number of squares, Russian, Brazilian or Pool draughts are much harder to master than International draughts. There is relatively big theory behind many openings (but it is not so much i…

General Draughts Discussion - web resources for international 8X8 draughts/brazilian draughts#8

Very useful and many thanks. I am a beginner and primarily focusing on 10x10 international as I’m based in the Netherlands and there is a lot of material here. But in your experience would there be…

General Draughts Discussion - web resources for international 8X8 draughts/brazilian draughts#7

Very useful

General Draughts Discussion - web resources for international 8X8 draughts/brazilian draughts#6

Let me expand this topic a bit. For those who are familiar with old DOS applications which might be run also in browser, there is a good shareware program which can be useful for you in training proc…
