Search "user:HawaiiBlue"

78 posts found
General Draughts Discussion - Las Damas españolas#27

So far the developer didn't reply even once, I think you can forget about it :((

Game Analysis - Cool tactic in Frisian#2

I like that one, can I put it in my study?

General Draughts Discussion - Las Damas españolas#15

I'm not a programmer, but would it be just possible to copy the playstrategy code, change the pieces to the white squres and make a pull request to lidraught's github page? The analysis board would've…

General Draughts Discussion - Las Damas españolas#13

for me spanish draughts seems like an interesting variant, solves the draw problem of english aka boring draughts quite elegantly with flying kings!

General Draughts Discussion - Las Damas españolas#2

No updates here for long time, but you can play on playstrategy org

Lidraughts Feedback - Italian draughts#5

I'll check it out ! Uncapturable King is an incredibly clever rule

Lidraughts Feedback - Italian draughts#3

Can you maybe show me some examples endgames which are winning in Italian Draughts but would be draw in American Checkers

Lidraughts Feedback - Frisian Draughts from Position#4

This way you'll only get "Stack up on the side positions", Positions with pieces in the center like in Long Diagonal or Bildtse opening (Which are most interesting and Difficult to play) will be comep…

Lidraughts Feedback - Frisian Draughts from Position#1

Will be possible sometime in the future to play Frisian Draughts from costum position? It would be great to practice difficult middlegames and endgames. We can already do it for Draughts-64 and stand…

Lidraughts Feedback - Mistakes in puzzles#239 has a wrong solution
