Lidraughts Feedback - Bug correspondence game#1 Hello. Please look at my correspondence game against Roepstoep. Something went wrong, please fix this. Really unfair. | Pietjepuk |
Lidraughts Feedback - Bugs and error reports#12 My only goal was to let you think about the ending of a tournament. To me it is still strange you can start a game in a tournament and don't let the result count in the tournament. You start a match t… | Pietjepuk |
Lidraughts Feedback - Bugs and error reports#8 It still does not make sense. If you start a match and you have time left on your clock, the result should count. Otherwise stop matchmaking in the last minutes. The tournament will last maximum 1/2 m… | Pietjepuk |
Lidraughts Feedback - Bugs and error reports#4 Position was a bit different, but yes this game and you can see the result (black wins). Can I suggest this is changed? Why can you start a game and not let the result count? To me, this seems stran… | Pietjepuk |
Lidraughts Feedback - Bugs and error reports#1 Ik heb zojuist een hourly hyper bullit toernooi gespeeld van 13.00u tot 14.00u. In de laatste partij had ik gewonnen, maar deze uitslag is genegeerd. Hierdoor ben ik 4e in plaats van 2e geworden. Kan … | Pietjepuk |
Lidraughts Feedback - 2 Inaccuracies in this website#2 Ik heb zojuist een hourly hyper bullit toernooi gespeeld van 13.00u tot 14.00u. In de laatste partij had ik gewonnen, maar deze uitslag is genegeerd. Hierdoor ben ik 4e in plaats van 2e geworden. Kan … | Pietjepuk |
General Draughts Discussion - How popular is draughts in Holland?#6 I don't think this website is the solution for this problem BumperBalloon ;) Maybe together with the national federation you can HELP solve this. Did you reach out to them? Maybe working together is a… | Pietjepuk |
General Draughts Discussion - advertising#5 The solution is quite simple. WORK TOGETHER. There are plenty of sites you can play draughts, start working together. Think of playok, etc. This site is also an example of how things should … | Pietjepuk |