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9 posts found
General Draughts Discussion - New to this page, is there a way to play American Checkers on this program?#13

@damk_man unluckily no analysis but premoves :) @Twoblackcheckers yes as it's a little site and people play almost only in correspondence, cheaters can take profit of this situation... But devs also …

General Draughts Discussion - Lidraughts Bot Which Is Always Online#2

"Try Draughts and other variants like Frisian, Antidraughts, Breakthrough, Frysk!, Russian, Brazilian and more" Scan doesn't support many of these variants. And why does Libot's profile page say…

General Draughts Discussion - Delete from here on Mac#4

It is true that all iOS and iPadOS browsers are built using WebKit engine, but as far as I'm concerned, that's not true for macOS. Google Chrome on macOS is using its own engine: Blink. It is based…

Off-Topic - how to create an extension for this website ?#4

@Bobkingmen3 , you can install this extension ( but only for and ) Download it. go to extensions chrome:/…

Lidraughts Feedback - multicaptures all at once on games#2 Here is the dev response to the feature

General Draughts Discussion - vs Lidraughts#3

Lidraughts you can talk to the lead developer but on Lichess you will get a faster answer from a mod or dev who can solve the issue anyways. Chess has a much larger following of players and people to…

Lidraughts Feedback - Anti-Draughts: we ask for your help#1

Good news for everyone! The devs are willing to implement Anti-Draughts in the near future. But before we can launch this draughts variant, one thing is veeeeeery imporant: a recognizable symbol! …

General Draughts Discussion - National Draughts Association#9

Seems like the devs are going to be busy :). I really appreciate the work that's been put into this site so far, I hope it can become as vibrant as lichess one day!

General Draughts Discussion - Tired of waiting#2

The site has been open for barely a week, you can't fault the mods and devs for trying. Computers which you can play are coming soon, and already there are strong players joining the site, which is on…
