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4 posts found
The Hacker Investigation - Thamizan story#1

freinds the hacker is at his upmost level today i will disclose his whole identity .....i am talking about thamizan his other ids r @spidy04 , @alextheash , @alextheashian , @sasirudh ,@thamizan2 ,…

General Draughts Discussion - How to play Frisian?#2

@Vertonghen (1) Frisian is worthy to be learned if you get basic tactical knowledge in any other draughts variant. You might try to play Frysk! which is 5 checkers vs. 5 checkers endgame. (2) Frisian…

Lidraughts Feedback - voice chat#3

@RoepStoep I just tried this with DietervG. From his side, the voicechat first responded 'opening' followed by a quite quick 'ready'. At my side, it stayed on 'opening' for a while, about a minu…

MF GialloVerde
Lidraughts Feedback - Mistakes in puzzles#80

1548: the winning variant is clearly better, winning at least two pieces instead of one. The puzzle actually has been brought up before. I kept it on the 'list' for later consideration, in case that i…
