Few weeks ago.......3rd feb
Today.............TEAM LEADER KICKED OUT????
Yup, he may wanted to kick out somebody else who he obviously hates - simple!
And now all leaders except you are kicked out - more than success. You team might be the hacked but there is no need you to be the attacked
@EnBeeTea nope its worst than that that @thamizan wants ot hack my team (Burning Shadows) but I am not soo sure thamizan did it...
@MONSTERCHIP obviously he uses other people, and they are listening to him.
Something like Bulgaria and Russia - it's a miracle we're not a province. (no joke). The thing is that you just don't know who is the @thamizan worker - the betrayer.
@EnBeeTea are you kidding me? He killed about 50 teams and wants to distroy more he said somebody is paying him to disctroy teams.
@MONSTERCHIP would you please send me the links of these teams? I wanna check something. And you know what? Tell him first to hack my team then yours - I'm more weak. Not kidding, do it.
In the worst sutiation my team will be a little sacrifice, I'm ok with this - don't worry.