Frisian: (beginners) Introduction and puzzles

62 • BumperBalloonCars •
  1. Introduction: Oer alles
  2. Introduction 2: opening and capture examples
  3. Example 1: A Frisian shot, such a beautiful game
  4. Example 2: it can be over quickly
  1. BumperBalloonCars


60 • Graceful •
  1. Combination 1🥳🥳
  2. Combination 2 🥳🥳
  3. Combination 3🥳🥳
  4. Combination 4 🥳🥳
  1. Graceful

Tjalling's Pre-Course In Draughts 3

57 • BumperBalloonCars •
  1. Majority capture
  2. Choice
  3. Exercises: 3.1
  4. 3.2
  1. BumperBalloonCars

White to Play and Win - (Brazilian) - (Brasil)

55 • j3r3mias •
  1. Puzzle 001
  2. Puzzle 002
  3. Puzzle 003
  1. j3r3mias

World Draughts Championship 2021 - Open Semi-finals Round 1

55 • LM broadcaster •
  1. Boomstra, Roel - Domchev, Aleksej
  2. Kunitsa, Aleksei - Vipulis, Raimonds
  3. Kudriavcev, Valery - Machtelink, Kevin
  4. Shaibakov, Ainur - Getmanski, Alexander
  1. LM broadcaster

Draughts Openings 8x8 (Russian and Brazilian)

52 • tiagoldias •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Win Back
  3. The Reverse Win Back
  4. The Picket
  1. tiagoldias

Frisian: From Beginner To Master

51 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Introduction 1: Oer alles
  2. Introduction 2: know the rules
  3. Introduction 3: A beautiful Frisian shot
  4. Introduction 4: Opening and capture examples
  1. xiaofei3
  2. qwe123

Combination Patterns

51 • B44l1nt •
  1. Philippe shot
  2. Harlem shot
  1. B44l1nt

Tjalling's Pre-Course In Draughts 4

48 • Karagialis •
  1. Moving with the King
  2. Example 2
  3. 4.1
  4. 4.2
  1. Karagialis
  2. hindesben
  3. RoepStoep
  4. BumperBalloonCars

Roel's Recordings

47 • GMI letmeguess •
  1. Aalten,van,G.H.J. (Geert) - Boomstra,R.P. (Roel), 2012
  2. Boomstra,R.P. (Roel) - Samb,N. (NDiaga) (2015)
  3. Boomstra,R.P. (Roel) - Buzinski,E. (Edvard) (2011)
  1. GMI letmeguess

Tjalling's Pre-Course In Draughts 9

45 • Karagialis •
  1. Freezing out the opponent
  2. Win by opposition
  3. Freezing out by trading
  4. Sacrifice to freeze out
  1. Karagialis
  2. hindesben
  3. RoepStoep
  4. BumperBalloonCars

Tjalling's Pre-Course In Draughts 14

41 • BumperBalloonCars •
  1. Making Plans
  2. Exercises: 14.1
  3. 14.2
  1. BumperBalloonCars

Ivanchuk's Blitz games

40 • EricRosen •
  1. Game 1
  1. EricRosen

Tjalling's Pre-Course In Draughts 17

40 • BumperBalloonCars •
  1. The stick move
  2. Example 2
  3. Exercises: 17.1
  4. 17.2
  1. BumperBalloonCars