Common Combination Shapes in Frisian Draughts Part 1: Cannon and Haakje

2 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Vertical Cannon setup
  2. Example 2
  3. Example 3
  4. Horizontal Cannon setup
  1. HawaiiBlue

HawaiiBlue's Study

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. HawaiiBlue
  2. Shai123

Frisian Draughts Openings made Simple(r):

5 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. CHAPTER 1: Introduction
  2. First move as white, what should I play? Part 0: Overview
  3. First move as white, what should I play? Part 1: Losing First Moves
  4. First move as white, what should I play? Part 2: Bad First Moves
  1. HawaiiBlue

HawaiiBlue's Study

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. HawaiiBlue

Frisian Draughts Endgame Shortcuts

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Kapitel 1
  1. HawaiiBlue

Endgame Problems

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Black to play and draw
  2. Black to play and draw
  3. Black to play and win
  4. Fine differences
  1. HawaiiBlue

H. Walinga Geheimen van een Eindspiel

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. stand nr.1
  1. HawaiiBlue

New Ideas in the Long Diagonal Opening

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Kapitel 1
  1. HawaiiBlue

Frisian Draughts Gambits and why (not) to play them

3 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Bad Gambit: Exchange 27-21 and sacrifice on 28 as white
  3. Bad Gambit: 32-27 Exchange Gambit no.1
  4. Bad Gambit: 32-28 gambit
  1. HawaiiBlue

Suggestions to make Frisian Draughts Openings Fair

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Ballot openings
  2. Ballots (2 move)
  3. Ballots (3 move)
  1. HawaiiBlue

Frisian Draughts versus Computer

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. HawaiiBlue - A.I. level 5
  2. HawaiiBlue - A.I. level 6 (Long time control)
  3. HawaiiBlue - A.I. level 5
  4. HawaiiBlue - A.I. Level 5 (almost perfect game!!!)
  1. HawaiiBlue

Games from Toernooibase

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Groenveld, Folkert - Haanstra, Henk (Frysk)
  2. van der Meer, Dicky - Wiersma, Jelle (Frysk)
  3. Wijbenga, Tsjerk - Kooistra, Cor
  1. HawaiiBlue

The craziest Frisian Draughts game

2 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. mennokam - HawaiiBlue
  1. HawaiiBlue

Play Disadvantage

1 • HawaiiBlue •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. HawaiiBlue