Frisian: From Beginner To Master

51 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Introduction 1: Oer alles
  2. Introduction 2: know the rules
  3. Introduction 3: A beautiful Frisian shot
  4. Introduction 4: Opening and capture examples
  1. xiaofei3
  2. qwe123

Frysk!: From Beginner To Master

21 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Introduction
  2. 1. 46-41 5-10 variation idea 49-44
  3. 1. 46-41 5-10 variation idea 32-28
  4. 1. 46-41 3-8 variation
  1. xiaofei3
  2. qwe123

Antidraughts: From Beginner To Master

11 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Introduction: Antidraughts
  2. Example 1: Strong shapes
  3. Example 2: Dangerous squares
  4. Example 3: The only draw in Antidraughts
  1. xiaofei3

Import Test

1 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. xiaofei3

xiaofei3's Study

1 • xiaofei3 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. xiaofei3