Played 7 Brazilian games18551
No note yet
Eliseu Cesar
Imperatriz-Ma Brazil
Member since Jun 4, 2021
Game completion rate: 73%
Time spent playing: 19 hours and 13 minutes
Time featured on TV: 10 hours and 14 minutes
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #47 (top 58%) with 7 games in PauloMachado Arena
Played 3 Bullet games158460
Played 2 Brazilian games18549
Played 2 Brazilian games184540
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #8 (top 61%) with 2 games in AMIGOS 5R DAMAS CLUB 18:45 HRS Arena
Played 6 Brazilian games18052
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #19 (top 51%) with 6 games in BABA SY Arena
Played 1 Russian game184533
Played 6 Bullet games
Played 1 Brazilian game180377
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #82 (top 96%) with 1 game in PauloMachado Arena