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Ferdinand Aguenou
I love draughts and this is the only game I really love,my favorite opening is 32-28 ,I really like chizov ,georgiev,Jan also Thomy Mbongo,roel Boomstra,Anatoli gantwag if only I could have some theories from them I will thank God forever because they are for models to follow.God bless them all for being draughts players because I am very happy while watching their games.
New York
United States

Member since Feb 15, 2020
Game completion rate: 97%
Time spent playing: 7 days, 12 hours and 54 minutes
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 3 hours and 37 minutes
Played 6 Blitz games17314
Competed in 3 tournaments
Ranked #15 (top 14%) with 3 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #100 (top 86%) with 1 game in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #118 (top 89%) with 1 game in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 14 Blitz games172729
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #22 (top 7%) with 11 games in Weekly Blitz Arena
Ranked #104 (top 74%) with 3 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Inc Arena
Solved 6 tactical puzzles231816
Played 10 Blitz games16986
Competed in 3 tournaments
Ranked #27 (top 26%) with 6 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Inc Arena
Ranked #56 (top 54%) with 1 game in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #94 (top 78%) with 2 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Solved 66 tactical puzzles2302100
Solved 22 tactical puzzles2202153
Played 8 Blitz games169211
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #22 (top 27%) with 8 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena