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Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Member since Sep 4, 2018
Game completion rate: 100%
Time spent playing: 4 days, 13 hours and 4 minutes
Time featured on TV: 2 days, 5 hours and 15 minutes
3+0 • Blitz • Rated • Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Black resigned, White is victorious
1. 33-29 20-25 2. 39-33 14-20 3. 44-39 20-24 ... 11 moves
3+0 • Blitz • Rated • Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Time out, White is victorious
1. 33-29 20-24 2. 29x20 15x24 3. 39-33 17-21 ... 75 moves
Computer analysis available
10+0 • Rapid • Rated • Rapid Shield Arena
White resigned, Black is victorious
1. 32-28 18-22 2. 37-32 12-18 3. 41-37 7-12 ... 28 moves
10+0 • Rapid • Rated • Rapid Shield Arena
Time out, Black is victorious
1. 33-28 18-22 2. 38-33 12-18 3. 43-38 7-12 ... 34 moves
Computer analysis available
10+0 • Rapid • Rated • Rapid Shield Arena
White resigned, Black is victorious
1. 35-30 20-25 2. 40-35 15-20 3. 34-29 25x34 ... 18 moves
Computer analysis available
3+0 • Blitz • Rated
1. 33-29 19-23 2. 39-33 14-19 3. 44-39 10-14 ... 57 moves
3+0 • Blitz • Rated
White is victorious
1. 32-28 17-22 2. 28x17 12x21 3. 37-32 7-12 ... 69 moves
3+0 • Blitz • Rated
Black is victorious
1. 33-29 19-23 2. 35-30 14-19 3. 40-35 17-22 ... 64 moves
Computer analysis available
2+2 • Blitz • Rated • ДААМ Arena
Black resigned, White is victorious
1. 34-29 18-22 2. 40-34 12-18 3. 45-40 7-12 ... 58 moves
Computer analysis available
2+2 • Blitz • Rated • ДААМ Arena
Black resigned, White is victorious
1. 34-29 19-23 2. 40-34 14-19 3. 45-40 10-14 ... 43 moves
2+2 • Blitz • Rated • ДААМ Arena
White resigned, Black is victorious
1. 33-28 18-22 2. 38-33 12-18 3. 43-38 7-12 ... 45 moves