
So many people cheat in draughts but why don't they get banned, does'nt lidraughts return the ratings and bann these poeple like in lichess?

@MONSTERCHIP, it isn's so as you're thinking. Lidraughts also bans cheaters if found to be cheated with Draughts Assistance or Engine. As I can see @ checkersfavor is banned for using Artificially Increasing or Decreasing their rating. Also @ enhsuld is banned for using Draughts Computer Assistance.

No more I will mention banned players as it will be then considered as Public Shaming. I just gave you 2 examples.

We investigate every cheating report, and ban the player if we can confirm cheating has happened.
Of course this does not mean somebody will be banned just because you have reported them.
Many cheating reports are simply because of an opponent that played a strong game.

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