Story Time!

first someone posts 5 words of a story. then the next person continues it. this is probably going to be very low however
Michael sat on a tree,
next person continues it

(Note: @Ldraughtsmaster if you say this is too long you cant because its written by yoyboi, yde_boi, asavagebee and applekid XD)

Michael sat on a tree, and couldn't get down so he sat on the tree for the rest of his life and got obese from eating all the chipmunks on it. He got a heart attack and fell of the tree. He was in the hospital with a coma and needed brain surgery. Meanwhile, the best draughts player in the world died. Michael got a brain transplant from him and became the best draughts player in the world. His rating was 1244371324763686512786.

only 5 words at a time (:
Michael sat on a tree, and couldn't get down so he decided to jump and

@Ldraughtsmaster I said that if you say this is too long you cant because its written by yoyboi, yde_boi, asavagebee and applekid XD

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