@nrksedlichcheckers is banned for defining banning.
(Leaving @george_mcgeorge since he pinged himself)
You're banned (forum game)
@AnonymousNewAccount is banned for pinging multiple people in one message
@nrksedlichcheckers is banned for not playing so many games on lidraughts!!!
@Play is banned for not having a social life and playing draughts all day
@nrksedlichcheckers is banned for being a lichcheckers
@chess_890 is banned for being a chess
@nrksedlichcheckers is banned for being a "me-me but beyter" :)
@AnonymousNewAccount Is banned for providing false information
@nrksedlichcheckers is banned for providing true information
@chess_890 is banned for having the 739th post in this forum