Streaming technicalities, tips and suggestions

@kalnap, among others (@gialloverde, @lachose) has asked me to share some information/tips regarding streaming, that's why I open this topic.

As I am not a computer expert, I will just provide the set-up and settings I am working with. My computer has a Intel i5-4210U processor with 8GB RAM. I believe a special video card is not required, as our beloved game doesn't need high-quality graphics.

I use OBS ( as streaming software, for which extensive documentation is available on their website ( It is easy to create a scene, using 'Window Capture' to capture the window in which you are playing. I use my laptop's built-in webcam and microphone with acceptable quality.

I use default settings for audio and my video settings are as follows:
Base (Canvas) Resolution: 2048x1152
Output (Scaled) Resolution: 1280x720
Downscale Filter: Bicubic (Sharpened scaling, 16 samples)
FPS value: 10

While testing, especially the FPS value (frames per second) has an impact on the CPU usage and by keeping this low (for video game streaming usually 30 or FPS is required) I am able to retain a nice output resolution. However, I do experience some lagging while playing myself (leading to a lot losses by time). I might run some tests to see whether a lower output resolution resolves this issue; otherwise I should perhaps to a little cleaning on my laptop (or buy a new one...).

From OBS it is easy to select YouTube or Twitch as a service and go online.

Hope to see many players streaming! If you have any comments, tips or suggestions, please let me know!

As another source on streaming technicalities, you may read the FMJD forum where Marcel Kosters (@marcelkosters) provided a technical log of his streaming experiences. For those who not master Dutch, it should not be too hard to translate to English.

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