Multiple king endgames
24 • kalnap •- 4 kings + 1 checker vs. 2 kings
- 3 kings + 2 checkers vs. 2 kings on diagonals 1<->45 and 6<->50
- 3 kings + 2 checkers vs. 2 kings on long diagonal: proper defensive technique
- 4 kings + 1 checker vs. 2 kings on long diagonal
- kalnap
Standard keypositions at king endgames
24 • kalnap •- Leclercq position
- Scouppe position
- Improper defense when a win via Scouppe position is disabled
- Improper defense when a win via Scouppe position is disabled (ctd.)
- kalnap
Introduction into International Draughts. Part 1: Understanding board.
14 • kalnap •- Structure of the board
- Left flank: dream position
- Left flank: strength of triangular structure 26-31-36
- Left flank: when delayed development of checker 46 is fatal
- kalnap
- AnUnknownBoy
Making draws in hard positions
13 • kalnap •- Exploiting misplaced king on main diagonal
- Forcing opponent to execute unfavourable attack
- Deciding for a draw in dubious and uncertain position
- Delivering a shot with a help of opponent's king
- kalnap
4 kings vs. 1 king: learn how to trap king quickly
11 • kalnap •- Key position #1: a pair of parallel kings on diagonals 1<->50, 6<->45
- Derivation of key position #1
- Non-finished key position #1
- Key position #2: rhombic construction on diagonals 1<->50, 6<->45
- kalnap
Differences between Russian and Brazilian draughts explained
11 • kalnap •- Difference #1: Majority capturing rule in Brazilian draughts
- Difference #2: capturing backwards without crowning in Brazilian draughts
- Difference #3: Feris wheel (Devil's wheel) in Russian draughts
- kalnap
Alix, Ch. Cent coup de dames. Paris: 1867.
10 • kalnap •- Corner bracket
- Shockwave
- Fisticuff
- Attack
- kalnap
Nezhmetdinov games in Russian draughts
8 • kalnap •- Serkov - Nezhmetdinov
- Nezhmetdinov - Ivliyev
- Nezhmetdinov - NN (played in blind mode!)
- Nezhmetdinov - NN (played in blind mode!)
- kalnap
- RoepStoep
4 kings vs. 2 kings on 8x8 board
8 • kalnap •- ~ Introduction ~
- Understanding target positions: unstoppable exchange
- Understanding target positions: unstoppable exchange (ctd.)
- Understanding target positions: unstoppable exchange (ctd.)
- kalnap
- playdraughts
Beating low level AI: game analysis with tips and hints for beginners
7 • kalnap •- kalnap - A.I. level 1 (standard)
- A.I. level 1 - kalnap (standard)
- kalnap - A.I. level 1 (breakthrough)
- kalnap
Opening theory differences between Russian and Brazilian draughts
6 • kalnap •- Matasov-Petrov opening (1. e3-f4 f6-g5 2. f4-e5)
- kalnap
Defensive play in materially disadvantageous positions
6 • kalnap •- Exploiting in-between move for the march towards crowning (RU & BR)
- Exploiting in-between move for saving shot (RU & BR)
- 4th row vs. 6th row opposition draw (RU & BR)
- Self-blockade at opponent's camp & fly-through crowning (RU only)
- kalnap