Solved 1 Russian tactical puzzle179623
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Tashkent Uzbekistan
Member since Mar 20, 2023
Game completion rate: 90%
Time spent playing: 8 days, 23 hours and 21 minutes
Time featured on TV: 23 hours and 31 minutes
🇳🇱 NetherlandsУзкий КругШашки с Олегом.Alisher Artikov jamoasiAristokratlarBorussia Dortmund fan clubFCB BarcelonaGamblerHavaskorlar jamoasiManchester cityOnline_Shashka_uzPaxtakor🇵🇹PortugalRamazon Xudoynazarov jamoasiRussiaSamarqand_DraughtsSirdaryo_DRAUGHTSStrongest Draughts PlayersToshkent_DRAUGHTSToshkent_DRAUGHTS_UZUzb_SamarqandVoha teamZOʻR TV
Played 9 Russian games
Played 18 Russian games16171
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #23 (top 40%) with 4 games in Russian SuperBlitz Inc Arena
Ranked #17 (top 41%) with 1 game in Russian SuperBlitz Arena
Played 36 Russian games161620
Played 20 Russian games
Played 9 Russian games159610
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #8 (top 47%) with 7 games in Russian Bullet Inc Arena
Played 10 Russian games
Played 3 Russian games158614