lidraughts Bot

As for "antidraughts", there is a weak engine which provides you an option to play it under almost any rules (and define your own rules, by the way!): AlfaCheckers.
There are three different versions depending on board size:
8x8 -
10x10 -
12x12 -
That engine suffers from improper evaluation of positions, therefore, don't trust in it, but apply your basic knowledge for getting advantageous position!

As well, I would like any fans of antidraughts to try Stavropol variant which is played under Russian rules, but with unusual feature: any player can make move with any piece of opponent, including capturing moves by opponent pieces: they are mandatory, if a player has an opportunity! A winner is a player who has captured or imprisoned all pieces of opponent (so, a player needs to save the pieces of own colour).
I believe it is worth to play this unusual variant even in real life, and not only for recreational purposes!
A link:
Two videos for enjoyment:

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