There are some engines for Russian variant that do exist, mostly closed source. Is there one any could recommend me to use for analyzing games?
The lidraughts doesn't have computer analysis of this game variant in particular. Is there a reason why?
What are the requirements for an engine to be included here?
I doubt it's much more difficult to make than Brazilian variant. Are there some legal issues, or just no one really bothered to provide open source?
(upd: I also can't quite estimate the game yet. I have no clue on how to make solid search/eval for draughts in particular (no matter the variant) since it's strategically counter-intuitive at (most?) times, but bots can be good at spotting tactics nevertheless. So, maybe the problem lies in this field? But then, again, only Russian variant has no engine...)
Yet another question about Russian checkers missing engine (combined edition)
(1) At your current rating, you can benefit from limited edition of Aurora Borealis: pick version 3.6. lite at . Download pdn of any your game and this program will be able to make analysis.
(2) As explained in many messages, you must blame dozens of programmers who satisfied their curiosity by cracking the game but who refused to contribute their work for common good, by granting the code and its improvement to lidraughts. It is a shame that there are still many programmers who hold a false belief that they can get satisfactory income by selling the draughts software.
(3) Requirements:
* ability to process PDN (portable draughts notation) files according to PDN standard: see;
* compatibility with server to server protocol (see SCAN engine as example).
If you can hire some programmer for that kind of project, he or she can get it done by slight modification of Scan engine (open source code ). Basically, he or she will need to modify board properties and notation system, to correct jumping and capturing rules according to the particular variant, make tablebases and to compile it.
(4) The particularity of Russian jumping and capturing rule is very small: it should require not more than 20 coding lines, if compared to any engine who is designed for playing under Brazilian rules.
(5) We have no engine for Brazilian variant, too.
Goddamn. Thank you for your detailed reply, I never ever got such in my life before.