Lidraughts Bot

How to make a lidraught bot using heroku and which repository is used to make it

any repo that i fork then run it on heroku

@Libot you can try to create a repo to fork and connect it to heroku

@Rishab1 Although the most common way to make a lichess bot on heroku is to fork and use "Deploy from Github", I recommend using "Deploy using Heroku Git" because if you use "Deploy from Github" you would have to fork the repo and add your token to config.yml, so everyone would be able to see it.
@Aritra_saha A person is posting the messages in the forum. The BOT is just playing the games.

@Rishab1 I already have a repo and I am using that for my bot but its private I'll make it public when I implement config vars for token in heroku
