Mistakes in puzzles

"I can create enough puzzles that aren't dubious is any way, so i will disable it."

I think this is the right approach, it's a shame to have to disable nice puzzles but it's also frustrating to encounter an ambiguous one :)

Puzzle 1438: 33-29 39-33 30x50 38-32 48-43 also wins

After being told 33-29 was not the correct move, I continued looking and found the intended solution, which is very nice.
I didn't see that after 33-29 39-33 30x50 38-32 48-43 black can catch the white king with 3-8 19-23 and white is a piece up. This position seemed winning to me, but I decided to try out Kingsrow for the first time to determine a final judgement. After playing 37-32 and letting Kingsrow think for several minutes it says white wins (score < -2000).

puzzel 2061 heeft een bij-oplossing! resultaat is gelijk, maar wordt als foutieve oplossing gezien!

Puzzle 1248: 11.40-34 is also winning

Hi all,

1438, 2061, 1248 and 2543 will be disabled.
Thank you Finkeltje, PaulTholel, Yuzu and dg!!

For puzzle 1129 the moves 40-34 and 22-28 can be reversed, but this isnt accepted.

@Kirill_3 I dont know if studies allow for move order variations, but the move 29-23 can be played at several moments in the shot, but only the last moment is accepted.
