Mistakes in puzzles

puzzle 1653: 1. 2822, 2.4742, 3. 3933 is also winning

Puzzle 325: 42-37 46x50 1-6 50-44, 49x40 is marked as a wrong move

Puzzle 376: 25-30 22-27, both kings on 50 and 48 wins the game, but 48 is wrong answer

Puzzle 382: 40-34 48-43 36-31 27-21, both taking on 4 and 24 wins the game, but 24 is wrong answer

Hi all,

Thanks again for your sharp views!

International draughts:
376, 382, 1653, 2236, 2334 and 4983 will be disabled. 325 was already disabled, so you won't get that puzzle playing for rating.

80 will be disabled

Agreed, not the best puzzle so to say. Nr 30 will be disabled as well.

Again thank you all for sharing these mistakes. Together we made the puzzle feature better!

Puzzle 634: 29-33 23-28 12-17, at this moment 13-19 is solution, but 3-9 is also winning, as black will have 1 piece extra after capturing the black king

Puzzle 926: 28-22 31-26 26-21 37x26 42x24 is also winning, white have 1 piece extra
Puzzle 1137: 37-31 is also winning, just another move order
